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Vilhelm Leifer, Den Danske Schindler

An Interview with Steven Spielberg

Anna Duklauer - A Schindler Survivor

History in Films: Schindlers List
Jewish Virtual Library: Oskar Schindler

Life: Schindler - Hero of the Week

Radio Sol - Radio in Argentina
Schindler - The Man and the Hero

Schindler Survivors

Steinhouse: The Real Oskar Schindler

The Guardian: Emilie Schindler

The History Place: Oskar Schindler

The List that saved Jews

The Story of Oskar Schindler
Yad Vashem: Oskar and Emilie Schindler



  • A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust

  • A - THE - World War 2 Portal

  • Court TV: A Look Back at Nuremberg

  • Cybrary of the Holocaust

  • David Dickerson Holocaust Resources

  • Dinur Center for the Study of Jewish History

  • War Crimes and Genocide

  • The Einsatzgruppen

  • Fortunoff Video Archive - Yale University

  • The Holocaust Chronicle web site

  • Holocaust Guide at about.com

  • H-Holocaust

  • The Holocaust History Project

  • The Holocaust\Shoah Page

  • Holocaust - A true story

  • Humor as a defense mechanism

  • The Jewish Student Online Research Center

  • The Kindertransport Organization Home Page

  • Lives, The Biography Resource

  • Literature of the Holocaust

  • March of the Living

  • The Nizkor Project

  • Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust

  • The Nuremberg War Crimes Trials

  • Online Holocaust Magazine

  • Polish Jews in World War II

  • Shtetl

  • The Simon Wiesenthal Center

  • Teaching the Holocaust through Stamps

  • Virtual Library Geschichte: Drittes Reich

  • Women And The Holocaust  

  • www.oskarschindler.com

  • www.shoah.dk

  • www.annefrank.dk




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    www.auschwitz.dk   www.deathcamps.info  www.emilieschindler.com  www.mengele.dk   www.shoah.dk   www.annefrank.dk